
Cristol O'Loughlin Cristol O'Loughlin

Building Your Team

Padma Gordon

Being in a relationship is a commitment and it takes energy. It’s even more energy for Rare mothers since you already have your hands full navigating your child’s care, working and managing your household. Having a strong and highly functional team is supportive.

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Cristol O'Loughlin Cristol O'Loughlin

A Little Kindness Goes a Long Way...

Padma Gordon

The first thing that is needed in a relationship is a sense of belonging. There is a line from a verse on Belonging by John O’Donohue that goes like this “turn your kindness within.” When you do this, you have more kindness to offer your partner and your Rare Child.

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Cristol O'Loughlin Cristol O'Loughlin

Being on the Same team

Padma Gordon

As a Rare Mother, it is important to learn how to team play with your partner. You are allies for one another on the journey of parenting your Rare child. When you’re on a team, you know that someone has your back and you can relax.

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Cristol O'Loughlin Cristol O'Loughlin

A Bridge Between Self-Care and Relationship Care

Padma Gordon

There is a bridge between the beauty found in spiritual self-care and the way beauty helps you to care for your primary relationship as a Rare mother. In the last session of our Spiritual Self-care workshop, we reflected on beauty.

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