Australia Caregiver Wellness Retreat
A Virtual Wellness Experience for caregivers of children with rare epilepsy
Hosted by ANGEL AID in partnership with The Epilepsy Foundation of Australia
The Australia Virtual Caregiver Wellness Retreat is an online wellness experience guided by professional clinicians and self-care experts specializing in rare disease caregiving. You will gain experience, education and empowerment to reconnect you with the person you were before epilepsy touched your life. Many of our participants tell us they feel “invisible” before coming to our retreat experience and they leave feeling empowered and excited.
We see you. We developed this Virtual Retreat to give you tools, experiences and healing within a supportive community of caregivers and your support network who understand you.
ANGEL AID is proud to offer our first international retreat in partnership with the Epilepsy Foundation of Australia. Our U.S. based organization has always been global and we are honored to bring our research-backed methodology to Australia in March, 2023. We have worked together with the University of New South Wales to put our retreat through an intense Independent Review Board to gain ethics approval for the first time and have an even better experience waiting for you.

Event Details
Dates: March 27th - May 10th, 2023 (Holiday break April 9th-15th)
Mondays 8-9 pm AEST
Wednesdays 8-9 pm AEST
Fridays 5-6 pm AEDT/Saturday 9-10 am AEST (Alternating, Optional)
Location: Virtual Event
Information: Weekly gatherings include: yoga, meditation, equine wisdom, physical wellness, and intimate group work with other epilepsy caregivers and support network.
You will be personally guided through the Sustainable Caregiver™ Workshop by Dr. Laura Riordan
Every participant will receive a package of exclusive self care gifts
Laura Riordan, PhD is a holistic life coach with over 20 years of experience in the mind and body wellness industry. She is the author of Sustainable Caregiver™ Workshop, which will guide our Australia Virtual Caregiver Experience. The workshop includes:
Strategies for Embracing Change
Tips, Tools & Rituals for Self Care
Caregiver-to-Caregiver Bonding
Sensory Self Care Experiences
At ANGEL AID, we believe in uplifting the family by caring for the caregivers. Every caregiver should have access to the training needed to help sustain their own emotional, social, financial and physical health throughout the life-altering journey with their loved one’s disease.
Registration is currently closed. Please fill out the form below to to be added to our wait list.
Please fill out our Interest form to receive information about future retreats!

What to Expect
Launch Party
We are so excited to have you join! Meet people in the Narcolepsy Community and Health & Wellness Practitioners. Let’s get to know each other and join in a grounding ritual.
Workshop with Dr. Laura Riordan
This retreat was developed to help you navigate your unique journey . This journey is so complex and extraordinary that it touches every aspect of your lives. People with narcolepsy and their support network face a chaotic and unknown environment and often lack sufficient information, treatment and regular support. Our workshop gives you tools, exercises and self-care tips to prevent burnout, maintain sanity and set up a sustainable structure for your whole family to thrive.
Sensory Self Care Experiences
Self care experiences and gifts related to Taste, Touch, Smell, Sound & Sight. These experiences focus on decreasing stress and increasing calm, utilizing NIH scientifically recognized techniques around Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction. Self care experts will join us to offer education and techniques for those supporting people with narcolepsy to manage stress, primarily through mindfulness-based practices and self care products.
Social Events
During this pandemic we can not be together in person, but we can still hangout and get to know each other, after all, that is what we all want most - to have friends we can talk to freely, without judgement, and who understand.
Graduation Celebration
We want to celebrate your great accomplishments. Let’s recap on our experiences and stay in touch!
“How am I feeling right now? Happy. Sharing stories, feelings, thoughts, concerns, fears, solutions, challenges and hugs brings a degree of joy, solace and peace to me that I have never felt before.”
- Phyllis (Rare Mom from November 2019 Retreat)
“It was so nice to not talk about disease. I’m tired of faking about my feelings, tired of being positive all the time. That is exhausting - to have to carry everyone else’s worries and feelings.”
— Anika, 2020 Wellness Retreat
“The enormity of my life overwhelms my feelings. Something's got to give. I need to create the space to receive help. This was the first step on retreat...to help me create space so I can receive.”
— Sarah, 2020 Wellness Retreat