Raregivers™ Men’s Retreat
A Unique and Sustainable Wellness Experience, Hosted by ANGEL AID
We understand. We know first hand how much you have given (and lost) to this lived experience called ‘rare disease’. We know the toll being a caregiver to a loved one with a rare disease, or even a rare disease patient yourself, can place on your mind and body. ANGEL AID was founded by a rare family - the Barrett family - and we invite you to our healing retreat center to relax, laugh and reflect with other men who ‘get it’.
The Raregivers™ Men’s Retreat is an experience guided by professional wellness gurus, practitioners and self-care experts specializing in working with rare families. You will gain experience, education and empowerment to reconnect your psyche and your heart with the man you were before rare disease threw a detour into your life ~ and the tools and techniques to sustain your well-being back home. Many of our participants tell us they felt “invisible” before coming to the retreat and after they left empowered, excited and most of all connected to a community who will truly listen without judgement.
What is a Raregiver™?
At ANGEL AID, we define Raregivers™ as individuals involved with rare, complex and chronic diseases including patients, caregivers, families, friends, professionals, academics, advocates and all others in the community giving their time, talents and life-force to further and honor medicalized lives. We believe in the collective wisdom of individuals in all stages of the journey. Learn more at Raregivers.global.
ANGEL AID would like to thank Horizon Therapeutics for sponsoring this program.

Event Details
June 8-11, 2023
Barrett Family Ranch - Orange County, California
Activities include: equine experience, yoga, meditation, breathwork, physical wellness, and group work with other Raregivers™.
Retreat Facilitators: Ryah Arthur (Holistic Lifestyle Coach, Movement & Breathwork Specialist) ~ Gabriel Sullivan (Visual Artist and International Photojournalist) ~ Padma Gordon (Rare Family Guru & Transformational Coach) ~ David Ross (Rare Disease Advocate & Rare Men’s Mental Health Group Practitioner, ANGEL AID)
BBQs, Libations & Fireside Conversations
Healing with Horses Equine Experience
Strategies for Embracing Change
Tips & Tools for Self Care
Luxurious Sensory Gifts and Gourmet Menus
At ANGEL AID, we believe in uplifting hearts by caring for the Raregivers™. Every Raregiver™ should have access to the training needed to help sustain their own emotional, social, financial and physical health throughout their life-altering journey with rare disease.
We strive to be inclusive. If cost is a barrier to your attendance, please apply for a scholarship below. Thank you to Horizon Therapeutics for making a limited number of scholarships possible.
Registration is now CLOSED for the Men’s Wellness Retreat. If you are interested in participating and/or receiving a scholarship for the next retreat, please fill out the form below.
Please fill out the Interest form to receive more information about future retreats.

Session Details
Launch Party
We are so excited to have you join! Meet the Raregivers™ and Health & Wellness Practitioners. Let’s get to know each other.
Workshop with Padma Gordon
This retreat was developed for Raregivers™ to help you navigate your unique journey through rare disease. This journey is so complex and extraordinary that it touches every aspect of your lives. Raregivers™ face a chaotic and unknown environment and often lack sufficient information, treatment and regular support. The Sustainable Caregiver™ workshop gives you tools, exercises and self-care tips to prevent burnout, maintain sanity and set up a sustainable structure for your whole family to thrive.
Raregivers™ Emotional Journey Map
We are partnering with Raregivers.global to provide Raregivers™ with training that encourages emotional wellbeing through mental health education and exercises alongside others who understand. Mental and emotional health and wellness starts with grounding this traumatic experience in the six-stages of hope and grief and being witnessed in your emotional journey.
Holistic Self Care Experiences
These experiences focus on decreasing stress and increasing calm, utilizing NIH scientifically recognized techniques around Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction. Self care expert Ryah Arthur and equine therapist Kelley White-Chaplain will join us to offer education and techniques for Raregivers™ to manage stress, primarily through mindfulness-based practices, daily rituals and self care products you can take back to your home life.
Social Events
During this experience we want to hangout and get to know each other, after all, that is what we all want most - to have friends we can talk to freely, without judgement, and who understand.
Graduation Celebration
We want to celebrate your great accomplishments. Let’s recap on our experiences and stay in touch!
Invest In Yourself:
$799 includes access to: The Sustainable Raregiver™ Workshops, self care package, weekly wellness and social events, and the online workshop community on Mighty Networks. If price is a limitation, please feel free to apply for a sponsorship above.
“I am a mother. I am so happy I was able to connect with other mothers. That I could leave the rare disease at the door and share my needs.”
— Monica (Rare Mother from SynGAP community)
“It was so nice to not talk about rare disease. I’m tired of faking about my feelings, tired of being positive all the time. That is exhausting - to have to carry everyone else’s worries and feelings.”
— Anika (Rare Mother from Infantile Pompe Disease community)
“The enormity of my life overwhelms my feelings. Something's got to give. I need to create the space to receive help. This was the first step on retreat...to help me create space so I can receive.”
— Sarah (Rare Mother from BPAN community)
ANGEL AID Rare Mothers™ Retreat @ Barrett Family Ranch