Who Are You?


Kate Milliken

Because so much of a rare mothers time is spent on others, a question always lingers in the background. Who are you?  I presented a quote today in our weekly journaling workshop that led into a powerful class assignment and I want to share it with you.

“Be yourself- everyone else is already taken.” -Oscar Wilde

One of the hardest commodities to come by in this community is time for self. Time to reflect and appreciate YOU.   

So here's an opportunity to give yourself some love. Right now. 

What is something you are proud of about yourself that you feel is a differentiator to others?  

Talking about this question took most of the time of our session.  Why? Because the answers were so interesting and distinct and powerful. Everyone had something to say and I know you do too.

Join us on Thursdays at 11:00 am PST to talk about it. Here is the link to join.

Cristol O'Loughlin

Cristol Barrett O’Loughlin is a seasoned executive and storyteller. As Founder and CEO of Raregivers™ (formerly ANGEL AID), Cristol is fiercely passionate about providing social, emotional, physical and financial relief to Raregivers™ ~ patients, caregivers, and professionals who hold both hope and grief in the same human heart. A former UCLA instructor, she co-founded advertising firm, The Craftsman Agency, and is humbled to have advised global brands such as NBA, Walt Disney Company, 20th Century Fox, Microsoft, Cisco and Google. During her tenure at IBM Life Sciences, she helped accelerate advancements in cheminformatics and data-driven biotechnology. Watch her TEDx talk ‘Caring for the Caregivers’ at https://www.raregivers.global/tedx and the ‘Raregivers LIVE’ broadcast from Microsoft to 12 cities around the world.


Choosing to Love Yourself


Tending to Your Heart