

Kate Milliken

In today's journaling workshop, I posed  a question that truly gave our rare mothers pause:  

If you think about your life journey, what are your most important values?  

Participants first examined if they were living by their values.  Then, they identified them-  The focus on nurturing, honesty, gratitude, open mindedness, commitment to family and feelings of joy...  Out of our dialogue came the word alchemy, defined in the dictionary as "a seemingly magical process of transformation, creation, or combination." 

What values are important to you?

This weekly time together becomes more and more powerful in every week we share. It's making me think I am experiencing alchemy in real time.  Thanks to all the participants today.  You know who you are and I admire you for everything you share.  For those reading this who haven't met us, consider making the time next Thursday at 2PM EST. Below is the link.  I'll be presenting an additional assignment for you to ponder in a few days. Can't wait to have you be part of the magic.

Here is the link to register.


You Are Worthy


Does Your Life Feel Like a To-do List?