Put It In Perspective

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Kate Milliken

For those who participated, thanks for today.  

I can I am I will I do resonated for some people but not for all.  I loved hearing about the difference of thinking about these words in the middle of an active activity and how those same words feel when you're still.  We also spoke about time, clearly a valuable asset in the rare illness experience.  Do you find ways to make time outside the day to day routines?  With the time you have for yourself, do you use it in a way that feels good?  A great suggestion was to physically block time on a calendar where the only agenda is you. This team from ANGEL AID is within grasp, ready to celebrate your time and to remind you how beautiful it can be, if taking a long bath, or a jog or just laying on some grass and staring up at the sky isn't enough.

I've challenged the community for the next assignment to tell a story- a story in your life that happened, where you chose to stay quiet when you now wish you hadn't. Through the extraordinary programs of ANGEL AID, we are learning about acceptance, putting things in perspective and breathing, but there are moments where saying something necessary is important. Holding back can bring regret, but with reflection of those moments, can also procure some of the most profound learning.  So new friends...

When was the last time you kept your mouth shut when you wish you hadn't?

What happened?

What stopped you from speaking out?    

 How did you rationalize your decision then?

How do you feel about this moment now?

Hope to see you next Thursday on April 29th at 11AM PST.  Here's the link to register and join.

Cristol O'Loughlin

Cristol Barrett O’Loughlin is a seasoned executive and storyteller. As Founder and CEO of Raregivers™ (formerly ANGEL AID), Cristol is fiercely passionate about providing social, emotional, physical and financial relief to Raregivers™ ~ patients, caregivers, and professionals who hold both hope and grief in the same human heart. A former UCLA instructor, she co-founded advertising firm, The Craftsman Agency, and is humbled to have advised global brands such as NBA, Walt Disney Company, 20th Century Fox, Microsoft, Cisco and Google. During her tenure at IBM Life Sciences, she helped accelerate advancements in cheminformatics and data-driven biotechnology. Watch her TEDx talk ‘Caring for the Caregivers’ at https://www.raregivers.global/tedx and the ‘Raregivers LIVE’ broadcast from Microsoft to 12 cities around the world.


Moving with the Tides


“I Can. I Am. I Will. I Do.”