Letting Curiosity Lead

Cultivating curiosity helps us learn to tune into our true selves. Our true self is always in the present moment. It allows us to see our patterns of thoughts and judgments. And, with practice, can even give us the gift of feeling like we can step away from the situation and see it for what is really happening.

By observing our emotions, thoughts and feelings with curiosity, all of the energy inside of us changes. For example, if you notice anxiety happening inside and begin to get curious about it, it shifts your focus from actually labeling the anxiety and being attached to the anxiety, to being curious about this sensation that's arising in you. This is when you might notice something happen. You can begin to notice a shift from stress tension and being wrapped up in the anxiety, to experiencing a calmness, a lightness and a spaciousness around the feeling instead of being submersed in it.

That's one of the benefits of curiosity. It can take you from being wrapped up in emotion, labeling it as anger, anxiety, hurt, pain and stress, to simply it being a sensation. It allows you to be more present with what is and that strengthens your ability to move through life.

Now, being curious requires you to not know anything, and this can be really hard for us. We love to know everything! But to be curious, you have to show up as a child, as though you're experiencing something for the first time. That child-like curiosity can be liberating and free.

As you explore this, you might begin to remember what it was like being a child, where most of us didn’t get caught in the paradox of choice and decision making. It was fine not knowing everything, and that freedom gave us permission to just be. In fact, you might even discover  what it is to be curious with not just your mind, but your body and heart as well.

A simple question to bring you into curiosity (and out of “should-ing” yourself) is… What does this do for me?

This builds emotional health within yourself. This brings you back to the present. This creates more internal flexibility. This allows you to take care of you!

Curiosity is a very powerful practice. I hope spending some time practicing curiosity lets you feel more supported, more joy and more free in your body and your life. I would love if anyone would share what they were curious about today!

All my best,


Cristol O'Loughlin

Cristol Barrett O’Loughlin is a seasoned executive and storyteller. As Founder and CEO of Raregivers™ (formerly ANGEL AID), Cristol is fiercely passionate about providing social, emotional, physical and financial relief to Raregivers™ ~ patients, caregivers, and professionals who hold both hope and grief in the same human heart. A former UCLA instructor, she co-founded advertising firm, The Craftsman Agency, and is humbled to have advised global brands such as NBA, Walt Disney Company, 20th Century Fox, Microsoft, Cisco and Google. During her tenure at IBM Life Sciences, she helped accelerate advancements in cheminformatics and data-driven biotechnology. Watch her TEDx talk ‘Caring for the Caregivers’ at https://www.raregivers.global/tedx and the ‘Raregivers LIVE’ broadcast from Microsoft to 12 cities around the world.


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