Finding Ways To Create energy

We, as human beings, have inner voices and those inner voices determine who we become. So it's very important for us to make sure that our inner voices are working on our side, rather than against us.

We live in a society where most people settle for less than what they really want in their life, where anxiety guides us to make decisions and overwhelm is a well-known friend. This is readily because they adopt limiting beliefs that society holds, what the people in our lives growing up told us and the environment around us trained us to experience.

“You need to live your life a certain way by a certain cultural expectation, societal expectation.”

As human beings we have a lot of pressure put on us to be a specific kind of person when the reality is we get to speak to ourselves in a way that eases us in our truth.

This doesn’t mean that everything is exactly as we expect it to be, yet it allows us to be more in alignment with how we think and treat ourselves, giving us back the power to respond instead of reacting.

Using neuroscience tools, like Mind ReMapping, we can reprogram our brains to support us through our days, through any struggles and triggers so that you can have a new automatic. These tools have different ways of working, but the first steps are basically the same.

Recognize something you would like to be different in your life. “I’m too overwhelmed.” How are you relating to it now? (What is your self-talk around it?) “I ignore it and just keep pushing.” Ask yourself, what would you like to say to yourself instead? Or how you prefer to feel about it? “I give myself permission to relax my expectations and live I acceptance and peace.” 

This clarifying tool, in and of itself, is immensely helpful… but even more so when you make it a permanent shift within you using neuroscience. But start slow, if you need to. We have a lot going on in our lives. Be gentle.

Start by looking at one thing you say to yourself and begin there. At many of our Thursday morning Angel Aid Rare Mother Roundtables we use ReMapping Techniques to move through the feelings and thoughts that keep us stuck. It is a form of self-care. I invite you to join us in taking care of yourself in this and many other ways.

You are incredibly important!

Sending huge hugs,



Appreciation Begins With You


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