Nominations closed


The International Rare Mother and Rare Carrier of the Year Nominations are now closed.

Please watch this replay of our event from Friday, October 22nd at 12 PM PST where we announced award winners.


Are You or Do You Know a Rare Mother?

ANGEL AID will be honoring extraordinary women who have uplifted their families and the Rare Disease Community with their selfless acts of service, compassion, and awareness. Award recipients will be celebrated at our virtual event, WELLfest '21 - A Global Festival of Wellness Honoring Rare Mothers Around the World on October 22, 2021 @ 12-1pm PST.

Winners will be selected at random because every Rare Mother is worthy of honor and recognition. We will be randomly selecting one Rare Mother from each region ~ LATAM, NORAM, APJ, EMEA.

This nomination includes a video submission. Please see below for suggestions and guidelines.

Are You or Do You Know a Rare Carrier?

What is a Rare Carrier?

A Rare Carrier is the carrier of a rare genetic disease ~ mother, father, sibling, grandparent, aunt, uncle, married, single.

ANGEL AID will be honoring Rare Carriers in an effort to raise awareness for the carrier experience. This is a unique journey that often gets overlooked in the rare disease community.

Winners will be selected at random because every Rare Carrier is worthy of honor and recognition.

Sponsored by Horizon Therapeutics.

If Your name is drawn, What DO You Receive?

Complimentary participation in the next Rare Mothers Global Wellness Retreat, valued at $1,850.

ANGEL AID Rare Mother Wellness Kit, valued at $250. Includes, ‘Armed With Love’ gold bracelet, ‘Rare Mother Recharging’ sleep mask, soft blanket, and more.

A customized video featuring your story to share with the world, including custom graphics and video editing. Valued at $2,500.


Suggestions to Help You Share Your Rare Story

  • Tell us about what it was like to receive a rare disease diagnosis for your child

  • Describe how life has been different from the what you imagined it would be

  • Tell us about your family

  • Talk about what motherhood has been like for you

  • Describe your happiest or most difficult memory surrounding rare disease

  • Tell us about someone who had a big influence on you

  • Talk about what you are most grateful for

  • Tell us about obstacles you have overcome as a Rare Mother

  • Tell us where you find the strength 

  • Tell us about how you practice self-care

Content Guidelines

Submissions must follow YouTube’s Content Guidelines


Thank You to Our Sponsors Who Made This Possible.