You Deserve M.O.R.E

(Mothers of Rare Experience)

A Virtual Rare Mothers Wellness Experience, Hosted by ANGEL AID


We understand you. We know first hand how much you have given to your child and the toll of being a caregiver to a child with rare disease can place on your mind and body. We know because we’ve been there too. 

M.O.R.E is a virtual wellness experience guided by professional clinicians and self-care experts specializing in rare disease parenting. You will gain experience, education and empowerment to reconnect you with the women you were before you became a rare mom. Many of our moms tell us they felt “invisible” before coming to the retreat and after they left empowered and excited. 


Event Details


January 9 - February 17, 2020


Online Event


  • Weekly gatherings include: yoga, meditation, equine wisdom, physical wellness, and intimate group work with other Rare Mothers.

    • You will be personally guided through The Sustainable Mom Workshop by Dr. Laura Riordan

    • Every participant will receive a package of exclusive self care gifts 

    Laura Riordan, PhD is a holistic life coach with over 20 years of experience in the mind and body wellness industry. She is the author of The Sustainable Mom Workshop, which will guide our Rare Mother Experience. The workshop includes:

    • Strategies for Embracing Change

    • Tips, Tools & Rituals for Self Care

    • Mother-to-Mother Bonding

    • Sensory Self Care Experiences


$799 includes access to: Sustainable Mom Workshop, self care package, and weekly wellness events.

Mothers take care of their kids. We take care of the mothers.

At ANGEL AID, we believe in uplifting the family by caring for the caregivers - particularly mothers. Every woman should have access to the training needed to help sustain their own emotional, social, financial and physical health throughout the life-altering journey with their child's rare disease.

 We strive to be inclusive. If cost is a barrier to your attendance, please fill out a Sponsorship Application here.