Just Say Yes To Boundaries

Setting boundaries is an act of self-love. At times it's useful to set internal boundaries while at others one needs to set external ones. Internal boundaries include things like going to bed earlier, the food you eat and how are you talk to yourself.

When you set an external boundary, perhaps look at what  you are actually able to commit to offering to your community or what you want to discuss or not discuss with certain people. This involves a lot of discernment.

As a Raregiver™, you need to set boundaries. 

This will save you time and energy. Imagine, never answering another spam call again?

Notice if your inner critic is driving as you sit in the passenger seat and set a kind, yet firm boundary with it.

Notice if you are simply being a good friend or taking on other people’s problems. Are you worrying about things that you cannot control? 

Practice being aware

When you are aware, you can interrupt your habit patterns and make a conscious choice. For instance, if you are an emotional eater, and you, reaching for a cookie, you might pause and see if you actually want it.

Prioritize your needs

Put yourself on the calendar. When you look at your calendar, are you on it? Make it a point to put your personal activities on the calendar. Your family will learn to respect your boundaries. Look at what is important to you. Maybe you set a boundary with your family and tell them that you are committed to attending weekly meetings or going to church. In order to ask others to respect your boundaries, you must respect your own.

Coming Up This Week: Discovering Your True Friends

Having a rare child changes everything including friendships and how it feels to move around in your community and the world. You will very likely encounter awkwardness. Many neurotypical people do not know how to act around a child with special needs. You are now engaging with their discomfort and your own. 

How do you communicate with friends about what you need? You may find that some friends pull away while others open to the changes and support you. You may need to let go of certain relationships while opening up to others with rare mothers and people whose capacity allows them to meet you and your rare family where you are. You are invited to come and share your experience and listen to what others have learned along their journey.

You Belong Here

As a Raregiver™, you belong here. We gather from across the world to support each other. Your presence is a contribution.

Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88974713173

We look forward to being with you,


Cristol O'Loughlin

Cristol Barrett O’Loughlin is a seasoned executive and storyteller. As Founder and CEO of Raregivers™ (formerly ANGEL AID), Cristol is fiercely passionate about providing social, emotional, physical and financial relief to Raregivers™ ~ patients, caregivers, and professionals who hold both hope and grief in the same human heart. A former UCLA instructor, she co-founded advertising firm, The Craftsman Agency, and is humbled to have advised global brands such as NBA, Walt Disney Company, 20th Century Fox, Microsoft, Cisco and Google. During her tenure at IBM Life Sciences, she helped accelerate advancements in cheminformatics and data-driven biotechnology. Watch her TEDx talk ‘Caring for the Caregivers’ at https://www.raregivers.global/tedx and the ‘Raregivers LIVE’ broadcast from Microsoft to 12 cities around the world.


Are your friends Good friends?

